Take the most common shots that come from your offensive system & make those actions into your shooting drills.
One thing I've tried to do over the past four years is to move toward more "offensive specific" two or three man shooting action / drills. These actions are simply just pieces of what we are doing in our half court offense. The simple goal is to get reps of the shots that players are going to see on gameday.
The variations of Motion Offenses are endless, but all of them involve off the ball screening of some sort. In our version of Motion we use a Staggered Screen on ball reversals, and a Flare Screen when passes are made to a straight cut. Like most offenses, we also incorporate the use of DHOs and Drive & Kick opportunities as well. When it comes to designing shooting components to practice we try to incorporate these common motion actions into our drills.

Straight Cuts -
When the ball is reversed we will go into a staggered screen for the lowest player away from the ball.
His Options:
1. Straight Cut
2. Back Cut to the Rim
Here we are trying to replicate a straight cut off of the staggered screen.

Flare Screen & Second Cuts -
Flare Screen -
On a Straight Cut catch the 5 Man sets the Flare Screen for the passer.
Here we'd expect:
2 to Pass to 1
2 to Makes his Flare Cut
1 Delivers the Pass
Second Cuts -
If the cutter back cuts or curls to the rim then the second cutter pops back to the basketball.
2 Sets Screen & Pops
1 Delivers the Pass

Ball Side Shooting -
Quick Pitch -
We are working on drive & kick reactions here. We will often use both quick & late pitch options.
Quick Pitch at Elbow
Late Pitch at Block
Here we are working on catch and shoot opportunities off of the DHO.
1 Needs to get inside the 3
2 Catches & Squares Up
Concluding Thoughts
These drills are designed to be 2/3 man actions against air. Certainly all of these actions could be loaded to add defense or a read component to them. I prefer to get these drills going on both ends of the court to maximize the number of reps each player gets. Early in the season I think it makes a lot of sense to show your players game film clips of guys making these exact shots. These are not random drills, these are the shots we want our players hunting for in games and hopefully these practice reps will increase their confidence in making them.
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